5 de febr. 2010

GRAMMAR 5: Have got and haven't got

We use have got when we want to express possession: I have got a doll (tinc una nina).

Haven't got is the opossition: I haven't got a ball (no tinc una pilota).

Circle the correct answer:

1. a) The bear has got a flower
b) The bear hasn't got a flower
c) The bear has got a picture

2. a) He has got a had
b) He hasn't got a had
c) She has got a had

3. a) Tom have got a mobile phone
b) Tom hasn't got a computer
c) Tom has got a computer

4. a) She hasn't got an orange dress
b) She have got a white dress
c) She has got an orange dress

5. a) They has got a ball
b) They have got a ball
c) They haven't got a ball

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