15 de febr. 2010

GRAMMAR 15: Future simple

Simple Future has 2 differents forms in English: "Will" and "Be going to".


WILL--> -To express a voluntary action: I will send you the information whrn I get it

-To express a promise: I promise I will not tell him about the surprise party.

Affirmative S+will+V
Negative S + will not (won't)+V
Interrogative Will+S+V?


BE GOING TO-->To express a plan:He is going to spend his vacation in Hawaii

Affirmative S+ verb TO BE + going to + verb
Negative S+Verb to BE +not+going to+verb
Interrogative Verb TO BE+ S+ going to+ verb?

* "Will" or "Be going to" can express a Prediction!

Eg: The year 2222 will be a very interesting year.
The year 2222 is going to be a very interesting year.

Now! Verb tense exercise:

1. A: I've got a terrible headache.
B: Do you? Wait here and I__________________(get) you some aspirin.

2. A: Where are you going? Are you going shopping?
B: Yes, I_______________________(wash) the car.

3.A: I can't figure out how to use this camera.
B: It's easy. I_________________(show) you.

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Mireia Almeyda, Elena Tomasa, Verónica Tamayo, Jacqueline Tomás i Helena Serna.

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