11 de febr. 2010

GRAMMAR 11: Verb "to be" in past

I hope that you have studied the verb to be in present. We are going to learn it now in past.

When you use the verb to be in past? You use it when you want to express something in the past. You have to look all the sentence to know if you have to use the verb to be in past or no past


I was
You were
She was
He was
It was
You were
They were

She was happy -> ella estava feliç
You were in danger -> estaves en perill

It's your time! Try to complete this exercise.

  1. My brother _____ fat when he lived in New York.
  2. The house ______ open the last weekend.
  3. You _____ always crying in your childhood.
  4. Mum, ____ John in the cinema yesterday?
  5. Oh, my god! You are like your father when he ______ small.

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Mireia Almeyda, Elena Tomasa, Verónica Tamayo, Jacqueline Tomás i Helena Serna.

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