12 de febr. 2010

GRAMMAR 12: Verb "to have"

This verb is one of the most common verbs. This verb means a possession.

I / You/ We / They -> Have
She/ He / It -> Has

In past we use had and in a continous tense we use having.

I have two cars.
She has three dogs.

We use not for do the negative verb. Also we can use haven't.

She has not a notebook. / She hasn't a notebook.
They have not holidays. / They haven't holidays.

Now complete this exercise:

  1. I _____ a cold.
  2. She ____ lot of students when she was teacher.
  3. He _____ a lot of money.
  4. Thomas _____ two children.
  5. She _____ examns. (not)
  6. My grandfather _____ many problems in his childhood.
  7. My father _____ two sons.
  8. _____ you got a pencil?
  9. The house ______ windows. (not)

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Mireia Almeyda, Elena Tomasa, Verónica Tamayo, Jacqueline Tomás i Helena Serna.

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